The Better Community Neighborhoods, Inc. merger was initiated by two Schenectady-based philanthropic organizations focused on investing in the benefit and improvement of Schenectady neighborhoods, Wright Family Foundation and Little Family Foundation (the Foundations). In order to preserve and leverage the strengths and assets of Better Neighborhoods Inc. and Community Land Trust of Schenectady, the Foundations funded the costs of exploratory meetings and research and the eventual execution of a merger plan to create a single organization stronger than the sum of its two parts. Additionally, the Foundations committed to providing several years of financial support to the newly merged organization to enable it to expand its capacity to take on new initiatives. Both existing organizations are members of New York State’s Neighborhood Preservation Program, and this merger takes full advantage of a New York State incentive program for such mergers. New York State has multiple well-funded programs, as a result of the Governor’s initiative, and this organization is strategically positioned to fully capitalize on those opportunities. A key partner in the venture is Schenectady Metroplex Development Authority (Metroplex), a primary driver of the remarkable economic growth in the area through targeted grants and low-interest loans. Created by Schenectady County Government in the 1980’s following the departure of GE’s power systems division headquarters, Metroplex is limited by statutory mandate to support of business economic development. Recognizing that sustainable revitalization requires stable housing supports for the local workforce and families, a principal objective of the BCNI merger is to create an organization with the Better Community Neighborhoods. BCNI enjoys ideal conditions for implementing the ambitious goals of the Board of Directors as a leader in strengthening Schenectady neighborhoods, based on the strengths of their organizational synergies, consolidated fundraising strategies, support of key players in the Schenectady revitalization movement, and increased organizational capacity.